Selling a Home

You never get a second chance to make a good first impression:
  1. Your lawn is the first thing that prospective buyers see. Fertilize if needed, and always keep your lawn trimmed and edge. During winter, keep snow and ice removed from sidewalks and steps.
  2. Your front door welcomes the prospect - So always make sure that it is clean and even painted if needed. A seasonal door decoration adds a warm, inviting touch.
  3. Decorating helps assure top dollar - and a quick sale. Faded walls, worn and scratched woodwork reduce appeal. Scratched and dry-looking woodwork, paneling and kitchen cabinets can easily be touched up with any commercial scratch covering product.
  4. Clean windows show the bright side of your home - By opening draperies and curtains you highlight your walls and ceilings, letting the prospective buyers see how cheerful your home can be.
  5. A clean kitchen is a must - Many buyers judge the housekeeping by the oven and stove. Use your favorite oven cleaner until the oven shines. Clean the interior of your dishwasher, removing stains, especially on the door. Clean out your kitchen cabinets and pack away items not needed. Counter tops should be clean and free of clutter. Baking soda is good for removing stains on Formica and it will not mar the finish.
  6. Sparkling bathrooms help sell your home - so repair caulking in bath tubs and showers. Shower doors, ceramic tile and grouting should be cleaning and free of soap film. Fixtures should be polished and free of water marks. If there’s a window in your bathroom, open it and let the fresh air in.
  7. Avoid cluttered appearances by removing excess furniture and other items that you seldom use. Keep newspapers, toys and other articles picked up. Clear stairways are essential. Objects on any stairs are dangerous.
  8. Make closets look larger by removing or packing items that can be stored elsewhere. Neat, well-organized closets show that there is ample space.
  9. From Top to Bottom display the full value of your basement, garage and other utility space by removing all unnecessary articles. Dark, dull walls are easily brightened with a coat of paint. If the basement or crawl space has a damp smell, place a bag of limestone in the damp area.
  10. Check Major Appliances - drain a pail of water from the heater to remove rust particles and change the filter on the furnace. A little oil corrects noisy attic or appliance fans. Be sure to clean the exterior of the water heater, furnace and other appliances that will be seen by prospective buyers.
  11. Repairs are Required - if closet doors are off their tracks, door knobs are loose, screen doors don’t close, faucets are dripping or floor or ceiling molding is cracked. Minor flaws in your house suggest neglect to the prospect. Have them fixed so you can get top dollar for your house.
  12. Many introductions are distracting - Have as few people as possible in the house when it is shown. This puts the prospective buyer at ease and gives him a chance to absorb clearly the advantages of your property. Most people like dogs but they distract attention. If you have a pet we suggest you keep it out of the way, preferably out of the house.
  13. Let your Associate Talk - Be polite but do not strike up a conversation with the prospective buyer. Your associate has already given details on your property and needs all the attention of the buyer to increase his interest. Do not get involved in a discussion with the prospective buyer if he objects or remarks about a room or arrangement or some other point about your property. Your associate can more easily overcome the objections.
  14. Night Appointments - remember to turn on the porch light and any other outside lights that highlight your property when showing the house after dark. Also keep the house well-lit throughout when the hour of appointment nears.
  15. First sell the House - do not try to sell the customer any furniture, rugs or drapes in the house at this time. This complicates the sale and detracts from the interest generated in your house. If a carpet or any of your furnishings are desired by the buyer, let your associate discuss this with you.
Selma’s Real Estate, LLC                Cell: 603-553-7094, Office: 603-893-8830                 [email protected]